JAHG-USAs PLO-Defunding Campaign | Noahide.com plo.attacreport.com | ![]() |
From the desk of
JAHG-USA: Those who wont bend must be broken before they will accept the truth. For those who wont listen to In His holy Talmud, What does it mean that the truth will be lacking? The rabbinical school of Rav said, It teaches that truth will fragment into factions and dwindle away (Talmud Bavli, Sanhedrin 97a). Case in point: The conservative movement, despite the enormous growth of conservative values among the general population for decades, has continued to lose ground as its membership, funding, and political achievements gradually dry up. How is this possible? One of the leading techniques used by Communist infiltrators to disrupt and sabotage the conservative movement has been swindling conservatives into fragmenting their movement into single-issue organizations under entirely separate leadership. Pro-life opponents of abortion, advocates of fiscal responsibility in government, supporters of strong national defense, opponents of the United Nations, anti-Communist Cubans and Vietnamese, and friends of such U.S. allies as Israel or Taiwan have all fallen for the lie that they must stand divided in order to win. That, in turn, has opened the door for further deception and distortion to creep into each sub-movements increasingly Leftist-influenced ideology all in the name of conservative values, of course. The resulting decline of all conservative movements has been inevitable. Now that JAHG-USAs PLO-Defunding Campaign is threatening to re-unite conservatives under a new umbrella, Communist agents are panicking and scrambling to prevent their doom. We just learned, from multiple sources, that the Wisconsin Right to Life state organization recently had a meeting in which individual chapter leaders across the state were warned intimidated is a better word not to endorse the PLO-Defunding Campaign. In other words, the enemy infiltrators inside the pro-life movement are actively moving to stop the one campaign that could rescue the movement from extinction. The explicit orders to pro-life activists are to keep their cause completely separate from all other conservative issues! This isnt the first time weve learned about state or national leadership trying to squelch pro-life interest in the PLO-Defunding Campaign, but its the biggest, most explicit case weve run into yet. Those who unite under the JAHG-USA umbrella, which incorporates all social and political issues and unites them according to the theocratic principles of Its all part of Meanwhile, the subversive pressure to intimidate pro-life leaders isnt entirely succeeding; several Wisconsin pro-life leaders have, in fact, recently endorsed the PLO-Defunding Campaign (no wonder their leaders are panicking!). Their decisions to side with the truth have just been published as part of our latest campaign update. Visit the PLO-Defunding Campaigns site today, at www.plo.attacreport.com, to see the newly posted update and to volunteer your time and resources.
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